Introduction: PR Websites That Accept Guest Posts
Writing posts for your own website or one you’re hired to write for can be a unique and educational experience. Guest posts are an entirely new experience. It is majorly effective when all backpack techniques and article marketing techniques are failing. Guests posts allow for high-quality content on your website or blog. They help you in increasing your drain score.
Guest posts are an incredible way of diverting traffic over to your website or blog. It helps in increasing your user base and even encourages fresh writers to get along. However, if you really are interested in guest posting for another blog you need to be confident in your skill. Guest posts are usually allowed by only high-quality blogs which want quality posting. To get a better idea of how a particular blog works regarding guest posting, we encourage you to give their “Posting Guidelines” a read in order to better understand the requirements of the site or blog.
Although there are several sites which allow users to submit a guest post, it takes time for these sites and blogs to check your articles and then post them. They are very picky and only want the highest quality content for their respective sectors.
Nonetheless, here are a few sites and blogs which you can check out based on your necessity.
The one major necessity of this site is it’s incredibly high demand for quality content. Once on the homepage of the site, you will be greeted by a “Sign-up” pop-up, following which you will be asked for basic details like name and email address in order to contact you. You are then free to submit an article for a guest post if you want, or you can just read the ones posted on their site.
This is another blog site which welcomes guests posts. However, there are some company guidelines interested personnel are required to follow. For example – The content should be original, have high-quality writing and decent arguments. They accept various posts ranging from Analytical articles to Graphical articles and even Canonical. Any articles violating these standards will be deleted immediately or not posted at all.
The Huffington Post[3]
THP provides the users with a rather simple UI while submission of articles or posts. It allows the writers to write posts directly on the website and include details regarding the topic, their contractual information and type of article they’ve written. It is then reviewed later and posted if the quality matches the previous standards.
The Write Life
They call themselves the one-stop writing shop for everything to do with freelancing, marketing, publishing, blogging, and several other things. You are required to pitch an idea to the editor before sending your article’s first draft. If the editor likes your idea, he/she will get back to you regarding the topic’s completion following which you are to submit an article in the given time limit. If the editor likes what you’ve written, it will be published under your name on their blog site. However, even if the article requires some changes, your article will be straightaway rejected.
If you’re into financial trading and money market instruments, this is the right destination for you. BQ frequently looks for guest writers to help them grow their reader base substantially. This is the ideal destination for everything BlockChain and BitCoin. Articles are first sent their support email from where you will be contacted for further articles if required.
If you’re a tech geek, this is the right destination for you. You are essentially welcomed on this web blog to present your views, ideas, expertise to be read by several geeks and experts. The content you’ve written will obviously first go through a check through their editorial team. Following this, they ask you to provide them with a grant and some rights. Articles are usually approved within three days and posted in about 10. The content of the piece should be up to date and you are allowed to include any graphical representation or photographs. Apart from tech related items, you are also allowed to post about your personal experiences at a particular company or tech event, etc.
This one is for all the designers out there. OEP’s main purpose is to deliver quality materials or content from and to everyone around the world interested in designing or content creation arts. Anyone with an idea can create and submit. But like many other blogs in this list, your content will go through a major revamp as a panel of experts judges it before it is published on their site. The screening is extremely tough to get through in order to maintain a high-quality blog.
An SEO blog is pretty unusual to find, but here it is, in all it’s glory. They offer a brand new learning experience. And it really is new since it’s probably never been done before. However, they ‘re a blog in under service right now and will begin posting and accepting as soon as it’s done.