In this era of digitalization, several ways can help you share your knowledge with your audience. As a content creator, you can create various pieces of content like blogs, videos, social media updates, posts, slide decks, etc.
One such method to share information and connect with your audience is by creating podcasts.
Different companies, brands, and individuals may make use of audio to connect with their target audience. The main reason behind the usage of audios is their growing popularity.
An increase in the usage of smartphones and the shift of the web towards digital media like audio and video account for the greater popularity of audios. But how do you present your audio to your target audience?
Podcasting is an effective way for content creators to share their content in the form of audio with their audience.
According to research, approximately 51% of the citizens of the US listen to audios. This percentage includes people who are older than 12 years old.
The figure has been constantly rising year after year. Not only this, but at least 32% of the citizens of America also subscribe to the podcasts on a monthly basis.
Hence the above statistics show how podcasting has a high demand. But with high demand, it also has a high supply. According to the statistics of January 2020, there are more than 1,000,000 podcasts available on the web.
These podcasts have more than 30 million episodes. But the popularity of this content creation method does not stop here. Another report by Edison shows that more than 212 Americans know about podcasting.
So, this article is meant to educate the rest of the people about podcasting.
Podcasting is one of the best methods to connect with your target audience and build a relationship with them.
The business owners would want to start a podcast to develop a connection with their potential customers and let them know about their business. This is because, with the help of podcast listening, your audience tends to hear you.
In this way, a better relationship can be developed between you and the listeners to your podcast, which cannot be done through written text.
Not only this, but you can also become a professional in a particular niche by creating podcasts about it. This will help you to improve the reputation of your brand and attract greater traffic to your online store or business.
To attract a greater target audience and customers to your business, you can include backlinks in your podcast. So you might start a podcast to support your business.
However, before beginning to learn how to create a podcast, let us know its meaning.
What Is a Podcast?
A podcast is an audio recording on a specific niche or topic. This niche or topic could be in the travel industry, fashion, beauty, or fitness etc.
Since a podcast consists of audio, you can listen to it while working or even while commuting to the office or college. It does not require the full attention of the audience, unlike a written article or video post.
It is for this reason that podcasts are becoming popular. Research by Edison Research and Triton Digital shows the growing popularity of the platform year after year.
You may find a podcast on Spotify, iTunes, or even on several websites. Hence, with the presence of different platforms, the users have different options for hosting their podcast.
Another best aspect is that the users do not require huge investment or technical knowledge to create their podcasts. They can easily create a step by step guide or share their information on a particular topic with the audience through a podcast.
A report shows how the people interested in listening to podcasts spend their quality time on it. This report shows that the average person is likely to spend about five hours in a single week listening to a podcast.
So with greater demand, you can increase the supply of podcasts by creating them. You may promote your products or services with the help of podcasts. Or, some people may also create podcasts to satisfy their passion for sharing information through audio.Â
Since the platform has a smaller crowd as compared to videos or blogs, you have a greater chance of gaining success. This enables the individuals to share their information with the public in a better way and with a greater level of engagement.
To sum it up, the definition of the podcast includes the following features:
- Podcasts include audio, which is similar to radio shows or e-books.
- The users can freely get access to different podcasts through their smartphones or desktops. All you need to listen to a podcast is an internet connection and headphones.
- Podcasts can help teach or share information on a particular subject, just like other methods of content creation. These methods include blogs, videos, etc.
Now you know the meaning of a podcast. So let us move on to understanding the different types of podcasts. Once you know about the types of podcasts, you can decide which podcast you want to create according to your purpose.
Types of Podcasts
1. The Interview Podcast
As the name of the podcast suggests, in the interview podcasts, the user interviews different guests. The Interview podcast consists of one or more hosts who interview different guests. Each episode of the podcast may consist of a different interview.
The advantage of an interview podcast is that this type of podcast does not require much prior work. The only preparation includes researching the interviewees, requesting them to come up, and deciding the questions to ask.
Besides this, the hosts should have different soft skills. The soft skills include effective communication skills, listening skills, confidence, leadership qualities, etc.
Such skills will allow them to convince the guests to come up for interviews and candidly ask them questions.
2. The Solo Podcast
If you want to start your career in the podcasting industry, then a solo podcast is an ideal choice for you. The name of the podcast is self-explanatory.
It explains how in a solo podcast, a single individual or host records his or her audio to share information about a particular subject.
This podcast can be represented as a monologue. Under the podcast, the host may share information based on opinions, news or conduct a Q&A session.
A solo podcast is comparatively easier to create as compared with the interview podcast. This is because all you need to do is to record your voice and talk about a subject.
You do not need to invite the guests on your podcast or ask questions to them and react according to the situation.
For Example, you may create a solo podcast to share information on a niche of business. In such a podcast, you can explain how to start a business and what requirements you need to create your specific business.
You can also discuss your personal experience that has helped you run your business effectively.
3. The Multi-Host Podcast
As the name of the podcast suggests, the Multi-Host Podcast requires two or more hosts. If you are starting your career in the podcast industry, then a multi-host podcast can also be an ideal option for you.
However, this is only the case if you have a business partner or friend who can become a host on the podcast.
A Multi Host Podcast allows the audience to understand a particular topic or subject from different viewpoints and perspectives. Hence, the listeners can hear the conversations and debates more clearly.
The multi-host podcast is more interesting as compared to the solo podcast because it breaks the monotony of a single person speaking.
The creators also have less pressure to create a multi-host podcast. The reason behind this is that with the presence of multiple hosts, the conversation becomes more engaging.
So, these were some of the types of podcasts. However, you should not be burdened with choosing a particular podcast. You can choose any format according to your interest, which helps attract a greater audience to your business.
Not only this, but you may also create different types of podcasts, like a solo podcast or an interview podcast.
But how can you create a podcast? Here is a step-by-step procedure that will help you create your podcast.
Step-By-Step Guide on How to Start a Podcast
1. Planning
The foremost step to creating a podcast is to plan for it. You can create a plan that serves as a pathway. By walking on this pathway, the process of creating a podcast will be easier for you.
Planning will also help you frame all the important points or requirements for creating a podcast. So, before planning, you should be ready with a notebook and a pen to jot down the important points to create a podcast like a pro.
One important step in planning is to answer several questions related to a podcast and its creation.
What is the Aim of Creating a Podcast?
The main question to consider is:
Why do you want to create a podcast?
Do you want to create it because you are a business owner, freelancer, or marketing manager?
If this is the case, then the sole purpose for you to create a podcast will be to attract customers and an audience towards your business. The podcast can also help you promote your products and services and let the users know about your business.
Sometimes, the users may create a podcast to satisfy their passions and hobbies. So if this is your purpose, then you would be creating podcasts in your spare time.
The topic on which you will create podcasts under such circumstances will include something you are passionate about.
Once you know your purpose for creating a podcast, the next step is to determine the target audience for whom your podcast is intended. The target audience of your podcast depends on the niche or category in which you create it.
2. Decide a Niche: Podcast Topic
To determine your target audience, it is crucial to create your podcasts on a particular topic or “niche.” A niche is a particular topic or category on which the content creators focus their efforts.
When your content is focused on a particular niche, it helps you attract a target audience for that topic. The reason behind this is that if you do not keep your content specific, then you will have to impress a larger audience base.
Impressing all the people out there in the market is not possible. So you should first determine a particular category and your audience. Once you know your target audience, you can research them.
The research will help you learn about their interests, likes, and dislikes. With the help of this research, you can create content by aligning it with the requirements of your target audience.
Let us understand this with the help of an example.
You decide the particular topic for your podcast. The topic that you choose is beauty and fashion.
Once you have chosen a topic, you will research the particular audience for whom your podcasts will be created. This research will help you share the latest trends in fashion and beauty with the target audience according to their needs.
So you should always choose a specific niche. However, make sure that the topic has enough content to let you create many episodes. At the same time, it should not be so broad that you have difficulty deciding your potential audience.
Later on, you can always expand your topic to create more episodes. This is because in this dynamic environment, different topics may keep changing and information will be added to them. So you can update your audience with new information on the particular category.
For example, you may choose to create a podcast on outdoor activities. But this is a quite broad theme that will make it difficult for you to decide your target audience and their requirements.
In this case, you can make your topic specific by replacing it with hiking or a particular outdoor activity.
Another important aspect before choosing a particular niche is to research its demand and supply level. Assessing the demand-supply level is important to determine the profitability of your niche.
Different situations may arise when you assess the demand-supply level of your niche. In the first case, the supply of podcasts created for a particular niche may be greater than its demand.
In this situation, you should avoid choosing a particular niche or category. The reason behind this is that the web is already full of a greater supply of podcasts created on this topic.
So if you create more such podcasts, your content is likely to get lost in some dark corner of the Internet. Since demand is low, no one would like to hear your podcast.
Now let us understand the second case. In this situation, the demand for the particular topic of your podcast may be greater than its supply. This means people are willing to hear the podcast on such a topic.
However, the creators are not making podcasts on this topic. Hence, due to short supply, the audience is not able to receive them. In this case, the particular topic or category is profitable.
You can create podcasts in this niche to balance out the supply with the greater demand.
Hence, determining the demand-supply level will help you know whether your podcast will attract a larger audience or not.
3. Determine Your Co-Host
If you are creating a multi-host podcast, then one of the steps of planning includes determining your co-host. A co-host can include any friend, coworker, or business partner.
Generally, if you are starting your business in podcasting, it is recommended that you pick a co-host.
Creating a podcast with a co-host will make things easier. When you discuss the topic with another person, the conversation becomes more interesting and engaging.
Both of you can share your perspectives on the particular topic. Besides this, a co-host can also help you divide the technical work. Such activities include editing, promotion, etc., which can save you time.
However, along with advantages, the presence of a co-host also has certain downsides. First of all, if you create a podcast with a co-host, you both will need to stay motivated for the long term.
In the absence of a single person, the podcast will not be completed. However, there are no hard and fast rules for creating all your podcasts with a co-host.
You may even continue to create solo podcasts in case your partner drops off in the middle.
4. Podcast Name
Since this guide tells you how to create your podcast, one important element is knowing how to name it. The name of your podcast provides the first impression.
It tells the listeners about the inside of your podcast.
Three main options can help you in choosing a podcast name.
i) Choose a Catchy Name
If you choose a clever and intriguing name for your podcast, then the audience is likely to click on it. However, you should make sure that people can find your podcast once they search for information related to your niche.
This is because creating a podcast with high-quality content is useless if it does not reach the audience. Along with a clever name, you should always make sure to put a podcast description in the title.
The description will help explain the meaning of the name to the audience.
ii) Descriptive Title
One of the easiest ways to name your podcast is to choose a descriptive title. As the name suggests, the descriptive title simply describes the inner content of the podcast.
For example, you may be creating a podcast related to the latest fashion trends. In such a case, you can simply name the podcast “the fashion podcast.”
However, always make sure not to use lengthy words in the title. This is because your title is just a heading and not a sentence. Rather, you should keep an appealing name of three to four words as the title of your podcast.
There is another reason that the users should not create a lengthy descriptive title. You will have to say the name of your podcast frequently in your episodes.
So make sure that your tongue does not roll off while you pronounce the title of your podcast. This is possible if you choose an easy and short title.
iii) Your Name
If you do not know how to name your podcast or what should be the accurate title, then you may use your name as the podcast title. However, it is not advised to use your name as the podcast title until and unless you have an audience base.
If you use your name as the title, then the audience will not know about the content of your podcast. Hence, they are less likely to open your podcast and hear it.
Say, for example, that you name your podcast “Efa Yasin.” This podcast includes information about rock climbing. But the name of the podcast does not exhibit its purpose to the users.
However, if you have an audience and they know your niche, they will view your podcast. But in any alternative case, no one would like to open a podcast with any random name.
In this situation, you can change the name of your podcast to “Rock climbing with Efa Yasin.”
So these were some of the formats in which you could name your podcast. But you should always make sure to keep a name that provides you with the scope to expand your podcasts in the future.
Let us say you are presently creating podcasts on hiking. But you should not name the title of your podcast “hiking.” Rather, you can name it “mountain adventures.” This title provides you with the opportunity to even add other mountain adventures in the future.
Once the title of your podcast is decided, you can move on to the next step. Since you have the title now, you need to include content in your podcast in the form of episodes.
5. Planning the Episodes
After you have decided the title and type of podcast to create, you should determine the content you will include. The content is in the form of different episodes of a podcast.
So before creating a podcast, it is necessary to determine certain aspects of the episodes of your podcast.
Let us have a look at the different episode elements that you should plan while creating a podcast.
i) Ideal Podcast Length
The main factor that determines the length of your podcast is its content. You should not change the length of your podcast by cutting down on good content. So the ideal podcast length depends on the time in which you can provide the required message to your audience.
Generally, the length of a podcast may be divided into two types: short and long
Research shows that most podcast listeners consider the ideal length of a short episode to be under 15 minutes. Similarly, a long episode might be a podcast episode of more than an hour.
But what is the average podcast length that is considered ideal by the audience? According to research, the average commute time is considered a good length for a podcast episode.
The average commute time is said to be around 20 minutes. As a result, an episode lasting between 20 and 45 minutes is considered ideal.
If your episode has this length, then the target audience will likely watch it. They will not think that they have wasted the time, even if the episode was not good.
However, as mentioned above, it is your content that determines your length. So you should not compromise on the content to cater to the ideal podcast length. If you have 40 minutes of quality content, then why shrink it to 20 minutes?
Let us say you conducted an engaging and interesting interview for two hours. But you are afraid that the interview is too long. In this case, you can divide it into two episodes.
The content creators can also ask their audience for suggestions related to their podcast’s length. Once you start posting different podcasts, the audience will tell you whether they are too short or too long.
You can conduct a survey to get insights into the listeners’ views on the length of your episodes.
ii) Frequency to Publish your Podcast Episode
One of the most important aspects for content creators is their consistency. If you publish podcast episodes frequently, the audience is likely to connect with you.
However, if you post after several days or months, the audience is likely to forget you. The sole connection between your audience and you is your content and podcasts.
So you should know the ideal frequency to publish a podcast. According to research, approximately 44% of the people belonging to the top 25 podcast publishers take the ideal frequency to be one episode per week. The next ideal frequency can be considered to be 2 episodes in a single week.
Another study shows the best day to publish a podcast. According to this research, approximately 60% of podcast publishers tend to publish their episodes before Wednesday. So the most important day for posting your podcasts is Tuesday.
An option to determine the frequency of the release of your podcasts is to podcast in seasons. Under “season” podcasting, you can publish a full season of your podcast at once.
You do not need to release each episode every week or month. You can wait for a specific time and publish each season of your podcast.
The season podcasting also required each season to have a theme. You can create different episodes based on this theme or topic. Each season of your theme may have 6 to 12 episodes.
Season podcasting helps you turn your seasons into an ebook or a course. There are many other benefits or advantages as well.
However, one of the disadvantages of this type of podcasting is that you may lose your motivation to post. This happens because releasing each season requires you to take long breaks, which can even disturb the interest of your audience.
However, if you explain the reason for breaks and capture the interest of your audience during the breaks, you can achieve success in season podcasting.
To maintain the interest of the audience during breaks, you may provide them with hints related to the next season and its theme. This will help to create suspense in them.
Once you have planned the length of your episodes, you can move onto the next step to determine the episode titles.
iii) Name of Episodes
Just like you determine the name of your podcast, you should choose the name for the different episodes of your podcast. You can choose the title of your episode that best describes the content inside it.
Hence, your title should be descriptive and easy to search.
One of the biggest mistakes that content creators commit is choosing vague titles for their episodes. Such titles may include names like “Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, etc.”
These episodes do not tell the listeners about the content inside them. So there is a possibility that the listeners will not like to listen to such episodes. So you need to provide an incentive for your listeners to click on your episodes and listen to them.
For this, you should clear out the reason to the listeners behind the creation of the different episodes. You can name your episodes things like “tips for,” “how-to,” “step by step,” “description of a,” etc.
When you look at the podcast directory, all episodes with such names are relatively popular. So you need to make sure that you provide the readers with a descriptive title.
Keeping a descriptive title for the different episodes of your podcast seasons also has another advantage. You can search for the episode name on Apple or iTunes.
In such cases, the titles with the descriptive name can be searched for easily. You can also search for the episodes based on the keywords. Hence, the search process for episodes with a descriptive title becomes easier.
6. Edit your Podcast Format
The format that you choose for your podcast depends on its content. You can either pursue a particular format for all your episodes and seasons.
Or, you may choose a mix of different formats for your podcasts. The different podcast designs depend on the types of podcasts you want to create.
You may create a solo show, a co-hosted show, or an interview show. Apart from these formats, the podcasts can also include other layouts like:
- Documentary: When you choose a documentary format, you become the narrator. In the capacity of a narrator, you can read a series of incidents, conversations, interview clips, etc. To create a documentary-type podcast, you should have effective communication skills to engage the audience with your conversation.
- Round table: As the name suggests, in a round table type of podcast, a single host attends to a series of guests. In the Round Table podcast, you may talk about a particular topic and share your views on it. The guests can, in turn, present their perspectives on the topic, and you can have a healthy conversation.
- Docudrama: As the name suggests, a docudrama is a mixture of documentary and drama. Hence, docudrama helps to share information on a particular topic in an interesting way.
Once you have decided on the podcast format, the next step is to decide on the episode format.
7. Episode Format
You can choose a particular episode format for your episode. Let us say, you are creating an interview-type podcast. Your podcast episode can take one of the following forms:
- Teaser
- Introduction with music
- Welcoming the audience
- Interview
- Solicit feedback and reviews
- Outro music
Hence, before creating your episode, deciding on a particular format is important. A fixed format can help maintain consistency in all your episodes.
But make sure that at the beginning of the episode, you introduce yourself to the audience. Always remember that this audience consists of your past regular listeners as well as new listeners.
So you should intriguingly welcome new listeners to make them your regular audience.
8. Preparation
Before actually recording your podcast, you need to prepare for several things. Once the planning process for the topic, the title of the seasons, and the format is done, you can move on to prepare yourself for several aspects of your podcast.
Let us have a look at these elements.
i) Podcast Artwork: Podcast Cover Art
Podcast artwork is the cover art of your podcast. It provides the first impression to the viewers who browse through your podcasts. The podcast cover image is also the picture that viewers may see when you share your podcast on different social media platforms.
Hence, deciding on the podcast artwork is a crucial step. While creating a podcast, your artwork should be eye-catching and compelling. You should use visible images.
The maximum size of the images is 2048 by 2048. Whereas the minimum should be 1400 by 1400.
To make the best artwork for your podcast, you can even hire a graphic designer. Hiring the services of a professional will help you create a fine podcast cover.
If your podcast cover is eye-catching and attractive, people will be attracted to listen to your podcast.
ii) A Professional Introduction
To introduce yourself professionally in your podcasts, you can enlist the help of a third party. One such application that helps to create professional and high-quality introductions includes Music Radio Creative.
The platform will help you introduce yourself professionally to your target audience. This, in turn, will enable you to make your podcast stand out from the rest.
Besides recording the introduction, you should also make sure to place music in your intro. The music of your introduction is a hook that engages the readers. For the introduction music, you can choose Premium Beat.
Other platforms that can help you source music for your podcast intro or outro are:
Pond5 is a free stock video website that consists of several royalty-free music clips and tracks. The Music Clip Directory of the software has more than 500,000 options.
One of the advantages of this platform is that it has comparatively generous pricing plans for its users.
The pricing plans may start at $25. However, to get access to the website, you must take up its membership plan. The price of the plan is $99 per month or $499 for a single year.
Wistia Music Collection
Wistia Music Collection is another platform that has a royalty-free collection of audio tracks. The price to use the platform is free. All you need to do is enter your email address to get access to the music library on the website.
Once you have entered your email address, you can also receive different types of music or audio clips in your inbox. You may even find the podcast music from the free Creative Commons option.
If you have a $19 budget then you may use Story blocks. This software provides a monthly subscription service to the users.
If you do not find the platform suitable for your needs, you can cancel the service after the first month. Under this subscription, the users receive access to more than 100,000 music tracks and sound effects.
9. Recording Your Podcast
Once you have done the planning and the prior work required to create your podcast, you can start recording it. Before recording the podcast, you will require several elements.
Podcast Recording and Editing Software
To record the podcasts, the content creators will require certain podcast equipment. All you need is a computer with an internet connection and a USB microphone.
The quality and price of your types of equipment will have a direct effect on the sound quality of your episodes. So you should make sure to invest a good amount in the equipment to create a high-quality podcast.
If you are starting your career in podcasting, then you may choose a simple USB microphone. These podcast microphones can give you good results.
Moreover, it is better to work with a simple device rather than spend a lot of money on professional devices in the beginning. Once you are comfortable and know how to use the microphone, you can move up to professional devices.
Here are certain professional microphones that can be used for podcasting:
- RODE Procaster Broadcast Dynamic Vocal Microphone
Being a voice-over mic, RODE Procaster is one of the best options for different content creators. This microphone will allow you to record your voice while blocking out background noises.
In this way, you can prevent any distortion in your sound quality while recording your voice.
The price of this microphone is $229. However, the high price also provides high and professional sound quality to the users. The microphone does not compromise the sound quality in any way.
- The Shure SM58
This mic is similar to the one used by the singers in different concerts. You can hold it in your hands to record your audio. One of the best aspects of this microphone is its durability.
You may drop the mic, drown it, or even add it to the water; the mic will not get damaged.
So, Shure SM58 is an ideal option for the users who want a microphone that can last longer in the studio. The price of this microphone is comparatively less than RODE PRO Caster. It costs $89.
So these are some of the microphones that can help you record your audio. Besides these microphones, you may also use other pieces of equipment that can enhance the sound quality of your podcasts.
Let us have a look at these instruments.
- Zoom H1 Portable Digital Recorder
A handy portable digital recorder can help you record your audio to an external device. You can always record your audio to an external device before importing it to your computer system. This can help you avoid data loss in case your computer crashes.
There can be situations when the electricity turns off while you are recording. In these cases, the computer loses the recorded data. However, if you have a portable digital recorder, then your data will be saved into it.
One such recorder is the Zoom H1 portable digital recorder. The price of this recorder is $99.99. You can record your audio for podcasts or other purposes on this portable recorder.
The users do not even need to connect the recorder to the computer while recording.
- Sony ZX Series Stereo Headphones
Sometimes, your sound or audio consists of an echoed sound from the background. This noise or interruption from the background may annoy the listeners, and they may never come back to listen to your podcast.
In such a case, you can use devices like the Sony ZX series stereo headphones.
The price of these headphones is $18.71. The headphones help you avoid echoing while you interview guests or create a solo podcast.
- Pop Filter
While speaking into the microphone, your mouth may make clicking noises. This happens when you place your mouth close to the microphone.
To avoid this problem, a device known as a pop filter can help. The cost of this device is only $8.94.
This is another helpful tool that helps to avoid background noises from your sound quality. For this, the tool provides information to the users about where they should speak into.
Once the sound quality is perfect, you can release your podcasts to attract a larger audience.
Recording and Editing Software
To record the podcast, you need to plug in your microphone to your computer system. After that, you can use audio recording and editing software.
Always make sure that your editing and recording platform uses the microphone as an input device. Once everything is set up, click on the record button to record your audio.
Different audio recording and editing software that can help you to streamline your recording and editing processes are as follows.
- Audacity
Audacity is free, open-source, cross-platform audio software. With an easy-to-use interface and a multitrack audio editor, you can use this audio software on different systems.
The platform is compatible with Mac OS, Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
The credibility of the platform is verified by the fact that it has more than 100,000,000 downloads. So you can use the different options of the platform.
These options will help you record and edit your audio to provide the best sound quality. With its free platform, Audacity is the best alternative to any paid editing software.
- AlituÂ
Alitu is the best editing software for beginners. If you are starting your career in the podcast industry, you can use Alitu. It has simple and easy to use options as compared with other editing platforms.
The software makes your podcasting process easy by automating a lot of technical parts. It helps create episodes for you. You can get access to this platform on your computer screen through the internet.
Since it is browser-based, all you need to do is open it in your browser. The different functions performed by Alitu regarding the editing of your audios include the following:
- The platform allows you to add music to your podcasts.
- It also helps to clean up the audio.
- You can integrate different segments of audio using Alitu.
- The direct publishing feature of the platform helps you directly post your episodes.
To edit your audio, all you need to do is upload the recordings. After this, the platform takes care of the other functions. You can even browse the software’s music and tunes library.
In this library, you may choose a theme for your episodes that can serve as a transition between different scenes. Hence, you can shorten your production time using Alitu.
The software comes with a 7-day free trial. This trial will help you know whether its elements align with your requirements or not. If you are satisfied with its functions, then you may opt for the different versions of it.
- Adobe Audition
With the robust editing elements, is another editing tool compatible with PC or Mac. Adobe Audition has some advanced features that help in the editing process to create your podcasts.Â
So, if you use advanced and high-end equipment, then you can consider Adobe Audition as your editing tool. The software is also ideal for people who want to use it over the long term. The price to get access to the platform is $19.99 per month.
- GarageBand
GarageBand is free editing software. It is compatible with Mac and is pre installed in the Mac books. So if you want to learn how to record audios for your podcast on these devices, you may use GarageBand. You can record videos on the software and save them in MP3 format.
Before starting to work on GarageBand, you can create a template. The users may reuse this template every time they want to record a podcast. This helps to save time and makes your work easier.
In the template, you can place your intro and outro music along with the other fixed features. The fixed features include all the elements that remain the same in all the podcasts.
Besides these editing options, you can also hire the services of an expert to edit your show. However, this option is available only if you have the required budget.
You can hire a person who can mix up your episodes. Such a person may charge a fee of approximately $48.
10. Create a Script
After choosing the required editing software, the next step is to script your show. Just imagine you are ready with all the setup and you hit the record button. But sadly, you do not know what to say. The scripting process will help you avoid such a problem.
Scripting means creating an in-depth essay or script for your audio podcast. This script will later become your episode of the podcast. The script can also be considered the blog equivalent of a podcast.
But how do you create a script? Initially, it may require a lot of time and effort to start your script. But once you have created a hook for your audience, you can easily write the script.
Writing the script also requires effective writing skills and correct grammar. If any grammatical errors are shown in the audio podcasts, it will show the unprofessionalism of an individual as a content creator.
Your listeners may think that if you cannot provide them with the correct knowledge, then your podcasts are of no use. Hence, you should always write your script without any mistakes.
When a script is written, you can read from it. However, you should not sound robotic or monotonous while reading this script. If you sound monotonous, your listeners are likely to leave your podcast as soon as they start listening to it.
So you should always read out your script as if you were engaged in a conversation. When you read naturally, the readers tend to connect with you more.
For this, you should have effective oral communication skills as well. In the end, it is only practice that will help you create a good script and read it with a fine tone.
11. Record in A Microphone
Here comes the main task of creating a podcast. Once all the prior work is completed, you are ready to record your content into a microphone. To make the recording process easy, you should always consider the microphone as a person.
As a person, talking into a microphone will help you to be confident and converse engagingly. So do not consider the mic as a device or equipment.Â
On the other hand, if you are creating business podcasts, then you may consider the microphone as your potential customer. The main aspect is to engage the attention of the listeners with your content.
You should talk in a podcast in a way that helps the listeners to create a personal and direct connection with you.
Another piece of advice for recording into a microphone is to modulate your voice. Modulating your voice is very important. You can change the tone of your voice according to different sentences and their importance.
For example, when you ask your potential clients about a particular matter, you should use a low, pleasing tone.
On the other hand, if you are telling about the weaknesses of your competitors, you may use a bold and dominating voice. Watching different videos and interviews can help you learn how to change your tone according to different situations.
12. Choose a Podcast Hosting Service
After recording your podcast, you will have to make it available to your target audience. For this, the content creators require a podcast hosting platform account.
The hosting account can also be known as a “media host.” A podcast or media host saves the recordings of the users. Besides saving, such platforms also allow the listeners to listen, subscribe, and download great podcast.
So you can sign up with different media hosting services to get your audio files posted. For this, you may either create your podcast website. Or the users may even use the website of the media hosting platform to deliver the content to the audience.
Some of the podcast hosting providers which you can use are as follows:
Transistor is one of the best podcast hosting service providers, costing $19 per month. With an easy to use interface, the software also provides private podcast feeds to the users.
Buzzsprout is the cheapest available podcast hosting option for users. Besides being cheap, the software has some of the best elements as well. The cost of this software is only $12 per month.
LibSyn provides unlimited bandwidth and 50 MB of storage space to its users. You can get access to all its hosting elements for $5 per month.
This hosting provider Captivate has numerous private podcast elements. You can get access to all such features for $17 per month.
This software Blubrry provides 100 MB of space to the users. With unlimited bandwidth, you can get access to its elements for $12 per month.
To choose the right podcast hosting provider according to your requirements, you need to go through your schedule. This schedule will help you know the number of episodes you plan to publish in a week.
Say, for example, you plan to post four episodes in a month. The length of each episode is an hour. This means the file storage required by each episode may be 50 MB.
So for a single month, you will require more than 200 MB. In such a case you should always aim at investing more in the hosting service providers.
Once you have selected the hosting service providers, you can move on to the next step.
13. Launch Your Podcast : Submit to Podcast Directories
Once you are done with the processes of planning, preparation, creation, podcast editing, and posting your podcast, you can move onto the next step.
The next step is to launching a podcast and create a successful podcast. This step allows you to submit your podcasts to different directories or podcast platforms, like iTunes and Spotify.
These directories are the platforms where listeners can subscribe to your podcasts, listen to them, and download them. However, your work can be made easy if you choose a good hosting service provider.
The reason behind this is that good hosting services include the element of auto submission. This element helps the users to automatically submit their podcasts to their directories.
Or, such hosting platforms may provide submission guides. Using these guides, you can easily submit your content to the directories. This helps you easily get access to Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.
Now let us know the processes and steps that can help you submit your podcast using different directories.
Apple Podcasts: Submitting the Podcast on iTunes
To submit your podcast to platforms like apple podcasts – iTunes, you can follow the below-mentioned steps.
- First of all, you need to create an RSS feed for your podcast. Generally, the process to create your RSS feed is managed by your hosting provider.
- Next, you need to open iTunes Connect. From here, you can open the Podcast Connect Dashboard.
- On the dashboard, click on the “+” sign. The plus sign (+) is located at the left of the screen. This sign indicates that you can enter new podcasts into the directory.
- Once you click on the “+” sign, another window will open. On this page, you need to enter your RSS feed address. This page was simply created to verify your RSS feed address.
- When the platform verifies your RSS feed, you can check your listings. If you think every aspect of your podcast meets your requirements, click on the “submit” button.
Once you have submitted the podcast, iTunes will send you a confirmation message. This confirmation message states that your podcast is undergoing this screening process. The time for the screening process is usually between 24 and 48 hours.
Once the screening is over, you will receive another email from iTunes. This email states whether your podcast is approved or not. If the podcast is approved, it will start to appear in iTunes search results after approximately 3 to 5 days.
Submitting Your Podcast on Spotify
Previously, Spotify did not accept open submissions from the public. However, with its recent updates, the platform is compatible with podcasters who meet different criteria.
If you have podcasts in the following categories, then the software may accept your submission.
- Storytelling types of podcasts
- Tech-based types of podcasts
- Podcasts with Evergreen content
- Podcasts that align with the requirements of the Millennials
If you think your podcast belongs to any of the above types, you may apply to use this software. All you need to do is fill out the submission form on their platform.
Then, you need to wait for feedback from Spotify. This feedback will state whether your podcast is approved and will appear on the app or not.
So these are the steps that can help you create your new podcast.
Let Us Have a Look at The Different Advantages of Creating a Podcast
Benefits of Podcasting
The benefit of podcasting can be seen in the fact that the web had more than 1,000,000 podcasts up until 2020. Presently, the podcasting industry is seeing an upsurge due to its various advantages.
So if you want to enter this industry to get access to its various benefits, you should surely do so. The different benefits of a successful podcast that you can reap are explained below.
1. A Good Alternative to Video
As we all know, in this technological era, the world has seen the shift of the web toward videos. Presently, the online world is full of millions of videos.
Without a doubt, the videos help users and individuals for various purposes. You can pursue video marketing to attract an audience to your business. Or, people can even earn money by posting videos on the famous video platform, YouTube.
However, as satisfying as it sounds, creating videos is not an easy task. Most people may be uncomfortable while shooting videos.
In such cases, they may create videos that have a negative impact on their business. This may hurt the business’s reputation and result in losses.
Moreover, some of the individuals and business organizations may not even have the right pieces of equipment to shoot the videos. To shoot videos, you need a plethora of equipment that can help you manage the background sound, lighting, etc.
Besides the requirements of the equipment, you need to learn how to use the equipment. If you use them in the wrong way, then you may create a careless video.
In all such cases, podcasts can serve as a good alternative to video. They are comparatively easy to create and do not require much effort. Also, if you are not comfortable acting on the screen, you can simply create podcasts.
2. Podcasts are Portable
If you have podcasts stored on your laptop or mobile phone, you can carry them anywhere. This allows you to listen to your podcasts from any corner of the world.
Or, you can even transfer the podcast to external media players like an iPod. Hence you can listen to podcasts just like you listen to music from anywhere, anytime.
3. Help to Create a Personal Connection
Podcasts are one of the best ways to build a relationship with your audience. In a podcast, you can share information and your viewpoints with your target audience.
This helps the audience understand you and your feelings. Though the communication is one-sided, podcasts will help you connect with your audience. This allows your listeners to know you and your attributes.
The target audience listening to your podcasts will be interested in your hobbies, passions, viewpoints, or the niche of your podcast. This is because people listen to podcasts only when there is something in common between the speaker and the audience.
Hence a good relationship can help to create trust amongst your audience base. With more trust, you are likely to generate more leads. The reason behind this is simply that people are more likely to be convinced by someone they know than by a stranger.
4. Time-Efficient Method
This benefit relates to your audience base, or the listeners. As a listener, you may be involved in a series of tasks while listening to podcasts. This helps you listen to the podcasts from different places, like your workplace, your home, or while commuting.Â
So podcasting is a time-efficient method to learn about a particular topic or subject. The users can also avoid the need for certain meetings. This is possible if the podcasts provide the required information that is to be conveyed in the meetings.
5. Podcasts Are Quite Interesting and Engaging
The Internet has huge pieces of written content and blogs. However, amidst this written content, audio or podcasts serve as a more engaging and interesting method of sharing information.
The reason behind this is simply that the audio content helps engage the customers. While you speak or converse on podcasts, you can modulate your voice according to the conversation. This helps make the podcasts interesting and engaging.
Different tones in your podcasts are likely to arouse the interest of your listeners. Hence, a podcast can help you share information on a particular topic or interactively spread a message with your audience.
Moreover, the audio content becomes more engaging if you pursue interviews or co-host podcasts. In such types of podcasts, there are two or more than two hosts.
All these hosts can share their perspectives and viewpoints on a particular topic and converse with each other. In this way, they can grab the attention of the listeners.
To verify this benefit, a survey was conducted. In the survey, 300,000 listeners were reviewed. The survey found that 63% of these listeners got inspired by the podcasts and made their purchases.
They purchased the product that was being promoted by the host. Hence, this shows how podcasts help to engage listeners and motivate them in their buying decisions.
6. Reduce the Costs
As we all know, podcasts are a digital medium of communication. Due to this reason, podcasts help reduce the costs associated with other methods of communication.
You can easily share information on a particular topic or category using podcasts without incurring extra costs. In the case of traditional mediums of communication, these costs may have incurred on the printing process, postage, paper, etc.
In the absence of a podcast, different organizations may also have conducted meet-ups to meet their audience. In such cases, huge costs can be incurred in setting up the meeting and taking care of various other aspects.
Podcasts also help to reduce email storage costs.
7. Improve Oral Vocabulary
In a podcast, the host is required to converse with the audience and tell them about a particular subject. This can help the host develop confidence and improve his oral vocabulary and public speaking skills.
When you speak in a podcast, you do not have to speak in front of the audience. This can help you to comfortably speak while knowing that the content will be listened to by your listeners.
As a result of this, you can even speak or share your knowledge on a particular topic in front of the public. This will help you gain a natural flair for oral communication.
Moreover, if you have intriguing and engaging podcasts, you may receive several business opportunities for public speaking.
Thus, podcasting helps in the internal company development of the organizations. If the members of your team fear public speaking, they may share their viewpoints on a particular topic through their podcasts.
This is a great opportunity for the members of the organization to enhance their speaking skills and discuss different aspects.
8. Easy to Consume
Podcasts are easy to consume. Being portable, you can get access to them from different corners of the world at any time. If you want to hear a podcast, you can subscribe to the podcast feed.
Once you have subscribed, you will get access to the podcast automatically. As soon as a particular season or episode is available, it will be downloaded to your computer.
You can listen to them whenever you have the time.
9. Easy to Create
Besides being easy to consume by the target audience, podcasts are even easy to create. You do not have to undergo a series of advanced processes to create a podcast.
Moreover, the types of equipment required to create a podcast are all affordable and easy to use. A good quality microphone and headphones can help you create a podcast with high sound quality.
Moreover, the editing software available to create podcasts is also free and easy to use. Hence, with an internet connection and a PC or other device, you can easily post your audio files.
Once the podcast is created and uploaded, you should promote it. Promoting it will help you let your audience know about your podcast. This is because if your audience does not know about the podcast, then all your hard work is wasted.
Hence, to promote the podcast, you can submit it to different directories.
10. Attract Greater Traffic
You can create a podcast to earn traffic for your brand’s website. When people learn about your products or services through your podcast and like them, they are likely to check them out on your website.
You can even place links to your website and particular products or services in the podcast.
So a podcast can help you build familiarity with a new audience. Once you have all attracted greater traffic to your website, you are likely to earn a greater income.
If you have greater traffic, you can also earn income through advertising. This advertising is done for other companies or brands that pay you to help them get traffic.
11. Collect Ideas
There are different types of podcasts. In podcasts like the Interview podcast, Round Table Podcast, or Cohost Podcast, you get an opportunity to collect ideas.
The major reason behind this is that when you converse with different people, you are likely to get different viewpoints on a particular topic.
You tend to analyse a particular subject from the viewpoints and perspectives of other people. This helps you collect ideas and gain more knowledge on the field.
For example, in an interview podcast, when you interview a person, you may ask him several questions. He may even let you know about his personal experiences. This will help you learn more and collect more ideas that will be helpful for your future.
So these were some of the benefits of entering the podcasting industry. Besides this, listening to podcasts can also benefit your brain in various ways.
The soothing sounds of the podcast or even the heart-pounding suspense created by them are more than just audio. Have you ever thought about what goes on in your mind while you listen to her podcast?
According to scientists, when you listen to a podcast, different emotions are released from your brain. Consuming such information can also help you activate the brain’s reporting pathway.
This pathway, in turn, releases Dopamine, the feel-good chemical that helps to pleasure the individual.
Moreover, another study conducted in 2016 shows how podcasts or audio stories can help stimulate your brain. Now let us know the benefits received by your brain while listening to different types of podcasts.
12. Meditation Podcast
In today’s fast-moving world, peace has become an important aspect to seek. Meditation podcasts can help you gain peace and calm your mind. When you listen to a meditation podcast, it not only soothes your brain but also activates the auditory cortex, thalamus and brain stem.
This in turn helps to release a chemical known as oxytocin, or the love hormone. The chemical is likely to reduce your stress and provide calmness.
It is due to this reason that when you listen to a meditation podcast, you are likely to become more focused, which increases your productivity.
13. True Crime Based Podcasts
If you want to stimulate your brain more, you may listen to a crime-based podcast. When you hear suspenseful information, the brain is likely to release adrenaline.
Such information can also release endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are slightly addictive, and they attract you back to the podcast again and again.
Not only this, but such podcasts also help in the production of serotonin and dopamine. Both of these chemicals help the listeners feel good.
14. Comedy Podcast
As we all know, laughter is the best medicine. When you listen to a comedy podcast, you are likely to feel several emotions, including surprise, delight, and laughter.
However, before listening to a comedy podcast, the brain decodes whether the joke is funny or not. If it is funny then you would be attracted to the podcast and that would help to reduce your stress.
Hence, with so many advantages to creating and hearing podcasts, you should engage in this industry.
Access To Podcast
Hence, a podcast is an audio file or a program that is available to listeners in digital format. You can listen to podcasts on your computer by following the below-mentioned steps:
- Open any browser like Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, or Google.
- Use the search bar to search for the name of your podcast and look out for its website.
- Once you find the website, open it.
- You can find the recent episodes on the homepage of the website.
- All you need to do is open the player and choose the “click and play” button.
To get access to a podcast on your iPhone or iPad, you can follow these steps:
- Open the Apple Podcasts app. This application comes pre-installed on the iPhone or iPad.
- Once you have opened the application, you can click on the magnifying glass. The magnifying glass opens the search page for the individuals.
- You can search for the name of the particular podcast and choose the result.
- Once the podcast opens, you can see its listing. The listing has different episodes along with the most recently published episodes as well.
- To watch any episode, you can click on the Play button.
- If you want to be notified of each episode of the season, click on the subscribe button. The subscribe button will help to automatically download all the episodes once a new episode is published.
To get access to the podcast on an android phone, you can follow these steps:
- Open the Google Play Music application. This application is also pre-installed on the devices.
- Â You should find a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass will help you open the search page.
- The search page is meant to search for a particular podcast by its name.
- Once you open a search result, you can see the listing for the podcast. This listing has different episodes.
- To watch any episode, click on the play button.
You can easily watch podcast and create them to attract traffic to your brand or company. Starting podcasts is one of the best methods of sharing content with your target audience.
But do you know when the podcast industry started? Podcasts, or audio notes, were started approximately 15 years ago.
The godfathers of the podcasting industry are Adam Curry, the MTV video jockey, and Dave Winer, a software developer. It was in 2004 that the term “podcast” was coined.
Since then, people have been searching for different podcasts on Google. The industry gained more popularity in 2006. It was in this year that Steve Jobs explained how to create a podcast during his conference.
Later on, in 2013, more than one million podcasts were subscribed on iTunes. Presently, we can see the increase in usage of smartphones and other devices along with the presence of different audio platforms.
All such factors are responsible for the increase in popularity of the podcasting industry.