Job Description

Viterbo University is seeking a pool of qualified applicants for possible temporary part-time teaching assignments for online doctoral courses in the Ethical Leadership EdD in the College of Business, Leadership, and Ethics. Courses may be synchronous (with a one-evening per week meeting time) or asynchronous. These positions are filled on an as-needed basis and are ongoing recruitments.

As staffing needs arise, we will review the pool and contact those applicants we are interested in interviewing. There are times that adjunct faculty are needed to fill a last-minute void as well. Therefore, departments are better able to communicate their most recent teaching needs at the time of interviews.

Applicants must meet the minimum educational requirements listed in order to be considered for the pool of qualified candidates. All decisions are made upon the discretion of the department. Applicants who meet the minimum requirements are not automatically accepted to teach at Viterbo.

As this is for a pool of applicants, it may take time before you hear anything. If a dean or chair of a department has already reached out to you to teach, please continue with the application process to confirm your interest.

Applicants should upload cover letter indicating area of discipline along with a current vita. If recommended for a position, official transcripts will be required prior to a contract being issued.

Potential Course Needs

  • Negotiations/Conflict Resolution
  • Quantitative Research Methods/Statistical Analysis
  • Research Methods
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Learning/Systems Change

Minimum Academic Qualifications: The expectation is that individuals who teach at the doctoral level will hold a terminal degree.

Minimum Professional Experience

  • At least five years of professional experience in field with demonstrated currency in the field at the time of appointment (work experience, publications, licensure, presentations, or equivalent within the last five years)
  • Experience teaching online.
  • Preferred: experience teaching at master’s or doctoral level.
  • For adjunct pool positions, you will only be contacted in the event your academic and/or professional experiences are a match for an immediate adjunct need.

Job Posted by ApplicantPro