Senior Lead procurement

Job Description

Job Purpose

Leading the Procurement efforts of Eternia by developing vendors.

Vendors to be developed both globally & from India, eventually, all vendor eco-system to be developed within the country.

Job Context & Major Challenges

Job Context

Establishing a proper Hardware Supply Chain for all the systems by qualifying Hardware, Gasket & Accessories Manufacturers, securing lead times & finalizing the warranty terms etc.

Job Challenges

Hardware Eco system is not well developed & all are mostly warehousing & selling, so, longer lead times & high Inventory cost.

Key Result Areas

KRA (Accountabilities) (Max 1325 Characters)Supporting Actions (Max 1325 Characters)

KRA1 Vendor Development & Procurement

Identify vendors as per product team’s requirement

Identify Products suitable for Procurement

Identify alternatives for same product

Develop customised products as per drawings & Technical Specs

Source Standard + Customised Products developed with vendor

Contracts with vendor Scan market to identify vendors spread across India

Evaluate vendors based on vendor development score

On board vendor with all relevant documents as per vendor creation form

Sign NDAs where sharing of confidential information is applicable

sharing of technical drawings with vendors

Evaluate technical proposals along with technical team

Negotiate on price for moulds and parts before development

Arrange sample for fitment checks

Place Pos for parts cleared by technical team

Ensure proper branding and packing as per Technical and Sales Team

Follow up for timely delivery of material

Ensure quality of products as per the requirements of the technical team

Follow up on timely payment to vendors as per agreed terms

Sign contracts w.r.t supply conditions, warranty and quality norms

Industry knowledge in terms of broad industry dynamics on the buy-side (and the sell-side), but also the internal knowledge and “language of the business”

KRA2 Warehouse Ops

Warehouse set up

In bound of Incoming material

Outbound of material Set up warehouse as per business requirement

proper unloading of material at warehouse

Set up warehouse as per business requirement

proper unloading of material at warehouse

Set up warehouse as per business requirement

proper unloading of material at warehouse

Set up warehouse as per business requirement

proper unloading of material at warehouse

Rejections if any to be informed to procurement team

Labelling of incoming material

Pick up material as per sales orders

Pack material as per sales order

Labelling of outgoing material

Arrange vendor once all material is packed and ready to ship

KRA3 Plant Operation & Logistics

Ensure timely production of material at plant

Ensure timely dispatch of material from Plant

Ensure timely dispatch of material from vendors

Ensure timely dispatch of material from Warehouse Ensure Right orders placed at plant

Coordinate with plant production team for production of material

Coordinate with plant packing team for timely packing of material

Coordinate with plant logistics for shipment of material to warehouse or directly to customers

Coordinate with hindalco warehouse team for clearance of material form warehouse to customers

Arrange transport from vendors to Eternia warehouse

Arrange transport from Eternia warehouse to customer locations