Post of Farmer Change Agent (Last date for submission of application 28-01-2025 upto 05.00 PM and appear before selection committee on 03-02-2025 at 11.15 AM – KVK, Amritsar

Job Description


Associate Director (Trg.)

KVK Amritsar


All Deans/Directors/other Officers/Head of the Departments/Addl. Director of Communication (CC)/Associate Director (Seeds)/ Deputy Director (Farm) /Directors, Regional Stations, Associate Directors/Deputy Directors (Trg.), KVKs/DESs (SM), Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.

Memo No. 25-125

Dated: 14.01.2025

Sub.:- Filling up one post of Farmer Change Agent on contractual basis at fixed salary of Rs.12000/- per month (including EPF+ESI) at KVK Amritsar.

Farmers Change Agent

It is proposed to fill up the one post of Farmer Change Agent (FCA) @ Rs. 12000/- per month fixed (including EPF+ESI and any change from time to time) on contractual basis under the scheme, “Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for in-situ management of crop residue in the state of Punjab” under ICAR- 165 (PC-2744) at KVK Amritsar for a period up to 31.03.2025 or till the termination of scheme whichever is earlier, possessing the following qualifications:

  • The FCA should be Matric with farming background.
  • The FCA should have working knowledge of Crop Residue Management machinery.
  • The candidate should have passed Punjabi language paper up to matric level.
  • Age not less than 18 years and more than 37 years.

Desirable: The candidate having 5 days training from KVK will be preferred.

The desirous candidate fulfilling the above qualifications/experience should send their applications on plain paper complete in all respect along with attested copies of the testimonials and a bank draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana payable at Ludhiana to the undersigned Associate Director (Trg.), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Amritsar (Nag Kalan-Jahangir) 143601. The last date of receipt of applications is 28-01-2025 up to 5:00 P.M.. The applications received without fees or received after due date or incomplete in any form shall not be considered. This department shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss in transits. The verification of the documents and suitability of the candidates will be held on 03-02-2025 at 11:15 A.M. in the office of Associate Director (Trg.), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gurdaspur. The original copies of the testimonials should be brought at the time of verification. No TA/DA will be given for attending the verification.

Associate Director (Trg.)