Front Line Engineer – Electrical Maintenance (Power Plant)

Job Description

Key Result Areas

KRA (Accountabilities) (Max 1325 Characters)Supporting Actions (Max 1325 Characters)

KRA1 1.Daily Work Management

(Plan, execute & monitor daily work management to achieve systematic & quality work at shop floor) 1.Identify abnormalities & execute action plan for their elimination

  • Acknowledge & execute abnormalities identified by process dept.. and their closure in SAP
  • Identify value added & nonvalue added activities to set daily work priority
  • Execute & encourage shop floor people for 5S activities
  • Identify & execute visual displays on SOP/SMP, Safety etc. at shop floor
  • Execute toolbox talk with shop floor people on each & every job in the dept..
  • Execute closure of Electrical equipment preventive maint. service order in SAP
  • Monitor & analyze daily MIS of the dept..
  • Monitor & analyze power consumption in various Electrical installations and suggest suitable measures for improvement

KRA2 2.Maintenance Management

(Plan, execute & supervise maintenance programs on Electrical equipment’s to enhance operating life of equipment’s & their performance) 1.Execute & supervise preventive maint. of Electrical equipment’s to achieve 0% slippage & raise issues for improvement

  • Execute & supervise predictive maint. (CBM) on Electrical equipments to reduce pre-mature failure & raise issues for improvement
  • Data collection of Electrical equipment breakdown & its analysis to identify probable root cause and implement suggested counter measures to eliminate recurrence
  • Execute annual maintenance program on Electrical equipment’s to ensure healthiness/reliability & comply IMS requirement
  • Adopt best maintenance practices at shop floor to ensure Electrical equipment reliability/availability
  • Identify abnormalities & execute suggested action plan within timeline & safety

KRA3 3.Spares / Consumables Management

(Plan & execute spare parts / consumables inventory and their storage at shop floor) 1.Supervise spare parts / consumables inventory at shop floor to meet daily requirement

  • Execute proper storage plan of spare parts & consumables at shop floor for quick identification of location & eliminating wastage due to wrong storage/handling

KRA4 4.Budgeting & Control

(Monitor direct/indirect expenses on day to day basis to achieve low R&M cost) 1.Supervise effective utilization of man hours at shop floor to get desired output

  • Supervise wastages in the dept.. & execute action plan to control/eliminate them
  • Execute improvement projects timely to ensure immediate cost benefits

KRA5 5.Problem Solving & Analytics

(Plan & execute corrective actions in the areas of concerns having a direct / indirect impact on operation/maint. of Electrical installations to prevent recurrence) 1.Identify bottlenecks in own working area & raise issues for their rectification

  • Data collection of critical problem & its analysis to identify probable root cause and implement counter measures
  • Applying various problem-solving tools whenever & wherever is required to avoid recurrence

KRA6 6.Erection & Installation

(Plan & supervise the execution of new Electrical equipment installation in the plant as per the standard procedures & safety standards) 1.Plan & supervise the execution of new Electrical equipment at site as per bar chart to achieve desired output

  • Review the site preparedness & discussion with workman of execution agency to minimize the time & adopting safety
  • Daily review of necessary tools & tackles before job start to achieve safety
  • Generate proper documentation before/during/after erection/installation of new Electrical equipments

KRA7 7.Health, Safety & Environment Management, WCM, IMS, MIS

(Plan & supervise all occupational health, safety & environmental norms, WCM practices at shop floor, IMS system and execute dept.. MIS) 1.Plan & supervise the adherence of all HSE policies at shop floor

  • Plan & supervise execution of action points identified in safety observations, unsafe conditions & unsafe acts
  • Execute regular training on safety to shop floor people to achieve safe work culture
  • Plan, supervise & execute various promotional schemes on WCM (e.g. suggestions/kaizen, sub-zone maintainability, model area development etc.) at shop floor
  • Execute various requirement of dept.. IMS system including ISO:50001
  • Execute daily, monthly & yearly MIS of PGD-E&I dept.. & suggest suitable measures for improvement

KRA8 8.People Management

(Plan & execute various programs on conductive work culture to improve skill & motivation level of shop floor people) 1.Execute training on Energy Management System under ISO:50001 regularly to improve awareness

  • Execute training on various maintenance practices at shop floor to improve skill
  • Deliver scheduled functional training to all staff & workman including cross functional people to improve skill & knowledge
  • Establish effective communication among staff & workman to get desired result