Junior Technical Officer – QATS

Job Description

Roles And Responsibilities

  • Scrutiny of schedules, Tech logs & work orders – Post maintenance Scrutiny of inspection schedules all corresponding Technical logs and the work orders for certification, correctness of all such documents.
  • Compilation of Monthly technical documents – Compilation of all the inspection schedules corresponding Tech logs and the work orders for availability.
  • Maintaining the records of MBT reports, Hyd sample reports – Monitoring and tracking of Microbiological analysis reports and Hydraulic analysis reports.
  • Provide documents for PIB (Permanent investigation board) – provide necessary documents such as Tech log, Post flight reports for investigation.
  • Monitoring & positioning, Technical documents at domestic and international stations,
  • Providing documents required to PLM, MCC & PPG as and when required.

Monitoring documents discard from base & out stations – monitoring of documents being discarded as per regulatory authority