Job Description


Recognising that the challenges of illegal mining are multifaceted, the Govemment of Ghana has prepared the Multi-Sectoral Mining Integrated Project (MMIP) as an integrated approach to addressing illegal mining and its associated negative impacts on society. This approach relies on more than just militant and combat actions in the mining communities. It combines a “Legislation, Enforcement, Civil, Integrated and Technological Approach (LECITA)” as a sustainable and structured but regimented conjoint concept which will encompass multi-stakeholders in dealing with the illegal mining menace. The Project will be planned and implemented for five years, aimed at sanitising illegal small-scale mining activities referred to as galamsey.

Subsequently, Cabinet approved the Project Appraisal & Implementation Document (PAID) under the MMIP for Implementation. The overall project development objective is to improve the management of artisanal small-scale mining in Ghana to ensure that its contribution to socio-economic development is felt within the mining communities through sustainable mining practices, minimising its negative impact on the environment.

To this end, the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources invites applications from suitably qualified Ghanaians for appointment into the underlisted Specialist Position under the Ghana Multi-sectoral Mining Integrated Project (MMIP).

Communication Specialist (REF NO. MMIP/SP/OO6/CS)

Duties / Responsibilities

  • The Communication Specialist (CS) will assist the Project Coordinator by providing leadership in the implementation of an effective communication strategy under the MMIP
  • Ensure a high level of transparency and access to information, provide venues fir feedback to all stakeholders and mobilise support for attitudinal change and institutional reforms
  • Ensure that the MMIP has a unified and accurate public image
  • Collaborate closely with the IAs other project personnel and consultants working on various stakeholders to promote a better understanding of the project activities
  • Provide leadership in the implementation of the communication strategy under MMIP for all stakeholder at the National, Regional, District and Community Levels
  • Design and implement periodic communication action plans to support project objectives and the achievement of the expected results
  • Develop a network of communicators/information officers in all IAs
  • Organise training workshops on development communication for key staff in selected IAs to promote understanding of the need for transparency methods available and information disclosure procedures, and enhance mechanisms for consultation and feedback with civil society
  • Set up and maintain a project information website and an active database of key stakeholders that must be regularly informed on project implementation activities including best ways to maintain contact, availability to act as MMIP “champions” or promoters and other relevant information
  • Draft press releases to announce major project activities, nurture relations with members of the press and involve the media in the dissemination of MMIP results where appropriate
  • Monitor media coverage of ASM related issues and systematically brief technical staff, decide when it is strategically appropriate to respond, identify opportunities (news of events) that can shed light on certain aspects of the new mining-related policy and thus facilitate MMIP implementation
  • Work closely with MIS unit in MLNR to develop electronic information systems that facilitate access to information and promote information sharing among key decision-makers
  • Prepare and implement awareness and information campaigns for improving the understanding of the importance of sustainable mining practices to the public and prepare the communities for their role in the MMIP project
  • Responsible for the bi-annual publication of the MMIP Newsletter

Qualification Required & Experience

  • The candidate should have a minimum of postgraduate Degree in Mass Communication, Marketing and Public Relations with post qualification experience of not less than 7 years in Mass Communication, in areas such as participatory, Adult Education and Development Communication
  • 7 years or more years of professional communication experience in managing different aspects of the job, including media relations, public affairs, awareness and behaviour change campaigns, advocacy, IEC, materials development, community outreach, stakeholders consultation and training workshops
  • Experience in managing the communication aspects of complex projects
  • Capacity to work under tight deadlines and to handle potentially controversial and/or very sensitive issues that require clarity, accuracy and speedy responses
  • Familiarity with the current ASM situation in Ghana, gender equality, existing policies, regional administrative challenges and relevant structures as well as competence in Ghanaian languages is desirable
  • Must be a good team player
  • Inform various stakeholders to promote a better understanding of the project activities
  • Must be computer literate
  • Membership of a professional body will be an advantage

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Interested Ghanaians with the above qualification and experience should submit their applications at the Front Desk; Reception, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and fill in the relevant Application Submission Form. Applications with detailed CVs, photocopies of certificates, Referees and other relevant documents should be addressed to:

The Chief Director

Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources

P.O. Box MB 212

Ministries, Accra

Telephone: 0246-621389 / 0578-481988

Closing Date: 31 May, 2018

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.