Registrar – General Medicine

Job Description

patient care, General medicine, Internal Medicine, Records, Admissions, OPD,

The Responsibilities Of The Registrar Include The Following

  • Ensure a thorough and detailed work-up of the patient at the time of admission and record all findings as specialist in the case sheet.
  • Make detailed rounds of all patients under his care well in advance of the Consultants rounds and appraise the Consultant of all findings, progress, treatment plan etc.
  • During the routine / regular rounds the current status of the patient should be noted and documented and the treatment should be reviewed after discussing with the concerned Consultant. Clear instructions should be given to the Resident Doctor and the Nursing Staff regarding investigations and plan of treatment.
  • In the absence of the Consultant, the Registrar should take the responsibility of care and treatment of the patient and brief the Consultant subsequently.
  • Accompany the Consultant on his rounds and Registrars in Surgery shall assist the Consultant in Surgery in the O.T
  • On a call from the Resident, the Registrar on call duty should attend the patient and brief the Consultant subsequently.
  • Registrar/Jr Consultant on night duty / holiday duty should attend the patient personally and document his findings and treatment.
  • The Registrar, before leaving the Hospital should hand over patients to the next Registrar on duty and brief him completely about the patient.
  • The Registrar on night duty shall inform the Nursing Station / Casualty / Reception of his whereabouts in the Hospital.
  • It is unethical to prescribe any drug or treatment on phone without examining the patient. This should be avoided.
  • All Gentlemen Registrars should respect the privacy of female patients and ensure that he is accompanied and assisted by a Nurse / Female Attendant / or any other appropriate female person during the examination of a female patient.
  • Patients in ICUs should not be left unattended at any given time. Concerned Registrar should help the Consultant on duty in ICU whenever required in managing critically ill patients.
  • It is the responsibility of the Registrar to be conversant with the status of all the patients admitted under the care of the respective Consultant including the patients admitted or transferred to the ICUs.
  • Ensure that patients go for interventional procedure / surgery only with initial history, physical examination and laboratory work-up. Non-compliance in this regard will be viewed seriously.
  • All Discharge Summaries pertaining to patients under a Consultant shall be perused and corrected by the Registrar.
  • Copies of Discharge / Death Summaries should be scrutinized by concerned Registrar before a copy is handed over to the patient or the relatives.
  • Refrain from criticizing their colleagues or Consultants or the plan for treatment instituted in the presence of patients or the patient relatives.
  • Any disagreement with the instituted line of treatment should be discussed with the Consultant concerned. The same holds good about other work situation grievances. Loose talk is to be desisted.
  • The Hospital Policy should be followed strictly and shall not be criticized in the presence of patients and their relatives.
  • Working for another Hospital / Medical / Health Care Institution while being a full time paid employee of the Organisation is not acceptable or allowed.
  • The specified Registrar will perform any other work inside the premises of the Hospital or outside, in line with Medical work, as may be assigned to him, from time to time by his senior colleagues / management.
  • Be conversant with Code Blue Protocols and respond accordingly.
  • Must attend the clinical / academic programmes arranged from time to time. Any absenteeism will be viewed seriously.
  • Play an active role in helping the Residents acquire clinical experience.
  • Accumulation of compensatory off and clubbing as a result is not permitted. The compensatory off, if not taken the day following night duty, will lapse.
  • All Registrars/Jr Consultant are to sign the Attendance Register kept at an appropriate place before they go to their respective wards / work areas. Habitual late coming and absenteeism is discouraged and will be viewed seriously.
  • In case of an emergency situation, any Registrar can be called upon to help in the management of critically ill patients. In such instances no Registrar/Jr Consultant shall refuse to attend to the patient on the grounds the he / she is not working in the concerned department / section / ward.
  • The allotted Duty Room shall not be misused in a way to attract derisive comments from passersby, patients and their relatives.
  • Conform to the dress code prescribed by the Hospital Management. Jeans and T Shirts are not to be worn inside the Hospital.
  • Wear Doctors white coat while functioning in the patient care areas.

Perform any other duty / task assigned to him by his superiors from time to