Job Description

Key Result Areas

KRA (Accountabilities) (Max 1325 Characters)Supporting Actions (Max 1325 Characters)

KRA1 Patient Care 1.To provide care of patients both in OPD and Emergency

  • To perform clinical examination of patients and advise required investigations and treatment.
  • Refer the cases for review to Specialists of concerned specialty.

KRA2 Emergency Management of Patients 1.Attending Emergencies as per call.

  • Emergency examination, investigation and treatment of patients.
  • Referring the specific cases to Specialists of concerned specialty at higher center

KRA3 Occupational Health Check up 1.Regular health check up of employees as per Occupational Health guidelines.

  • Data collection of incidence of diseases and its analysis.
  • To prepare Action Plan based on analysis for Prevention of diseases and treatment.

KRA4 CSR Medical Camps 1.To provide medical care in camps in rural areas.

  • To identify the high risk cases and refer them to First Referral Unit / nearby hospital.
  • To educate villagers create awareness about AIDS, STDs and other communicable diseases.

KRA5 Preventive Medicine 1.To help organize vaccination camps.

  • Health Education and counseling to patients.

KRA6 Sustainability 1.Completing documents as per requirement in assurance module in Enablon.

  • Adherence to the guidelines given in technical standards.

KRA7 Subordinate Development 1.To help and coordinate for skill development of subordinates.